Two projects presented by researchers from the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) were recognized during the XXI B-MRS Meeting held by the Brazilian Society of Materials Research from October 1 to 5, 2023. An oral presentation by Flávio Henrique Feres, a collaborating researcher at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light National Laboratory (LNLS), and a poster by Jaqueline Rocha, a collaborating researcher at the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano), were among the projects that received two awards each during the event in Maceió, Alagoas.
(CNPEM Outreach)
Flávio Henrique Feres received the Bernard Gross and ACS Awards for his oral presentation entitled “Graphene as a gate-tunable window for near-field imaging in the terahertz,” given during the Research on 2D Materials symposium. His project addressed the nano-optics of graphene in terahertz frequencies in order to achieve more control of these properties at these frequencies. He presented results from his doctoral dissertation research conducted at UNICAMP’s Gleb Wataghin Department of Physics (IFGW) advised by LNLS researcher Francisco Maia and recently published in Nano Letters (“Graphene Nano Optics in the Terahertz Gap”).
Jaqueline Rocha received the Bernard Gross and ACS Awards for her poster presentation entitled “Tuning the chemical and electrochemical properties of carbon paper-based electrodes by pyrolysis of polydopamine nanofilms” during the Polysaccharide-Based Materials symposium. This work addressed coating pyrolyzed paper electrodes with pyrolyzed polydopamine nanofilm, and demonstrated that when polydopamine is pyrolyzed at different temperatures the chemical and electrochemical properties of the paper electrodes can be adjusted. Jaqueline Rocha is a doctoral candidate at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), advised by Murilo Santhiago of LNNano.
The Bernard Gross Award is granted to the best oral session and best poster of each symposium, while the ACS Award is given to the six best oral presentations and six best poster sessions selected for the Bernard Gross Award.
CNPEM was well-represented at the SBPMat meeting through the presentation of scientific projects as well as a booth publicizing the Center’s facilities which are open to the scientific community. The B-MRS Meeting brings together researchers to discuss the most recent advances and prospects in materials science and related technologies.
Photos of the winners
A sophisticated and effervescent environment for research and development, unique in Brazil and present in few scientific centers in the world, the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) is a private non-profit organization, under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). The Center operates four National Laboratories and is the birthplace of the most complex project in Brazilian science – Sirius – one of the most advanced synchrotron light sources in the world. CNPEM brings together highly specialized multi-thematic teams, globally competitive laboratory infrastructures open to the scientific community, strategic lines of investigation, innovative projects in partnership with the productive sector and training of researchers and students. The Center is an environment driven by the search for solutions with impact in the areas of Health, Energy and Renewable Materials, Agro-environment, and Quantum Technologies. As of 2022, with the support of the Ministry of Education (MEC), CNPEM expanded its activities with the opening of the Ilum School of Science. The interdisciplinary higher course in Science, Technology and Innovation adopts innovative proposals with the aim of offering excellent, free, full-time training with immersion in the CNPEM research environment. Through the CNPEM 360 Platform, it is possible to explore, in a virtual and immersive way, the main environments and activities of the Center, visit: