Rodrigo V. Portugal – LNNano/CNPEM

Vitreous ice specimen-preparation for transmission electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) has successfully been used for studying a wide range of samples including macromolecules, liposomes, micelles, emulsions, and nanoparticles, allowing the structural preservation of the specimen. The study of vitreous ice embedded biological macromolecules is a powerful structural biology technique that is now reaching maturity. Technological advances of computer-controlled cryogenic electron microscopes, camera technology allowing the direct detection of electrons, and data processing methodology brought cryo-EM to a new level of resolution. Recent successes include the elucidation of multiple conformations of macromolecular complexes at quasi-atomic resolution and high-molecular-weight structures like the Zika virus. This seminar will present principles of the technique and discuss the implementation and results obtained at LNNano.



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