Improvements at the LNLS User Portal
The CNPEM has been working in the constant evolution of the LNLS User Portal to improve the services to the community of users and researchers.
As part of this evolution, the LNLS User Portal will start from february 29th to have new features and friendlier interface module Register.
The screen to access the system will be modified and the password for the authentication of the system will be safer, bringing more security for the users.
The new password must follow these rules:
• Minimum amount of characters: 8
• Minimum amount of number: 2
• Minimum amount of special characters (! @ $, Among others): 1
This password change is optional, but if made, it will be easier for the user to connect with the WiFi network of CNPEM and its Laboratories, without the necessity of getting a new password in the self attendance.
Users with schedules of proposals in open instalations, can acces the WiFi network Proteus–GUEST using your e-mail and the new password registered at the LNLS User Portal.
The password change can be made at any time by updating the Registration at the LNLS User Portal.
To implement these improvements, the LNLS User Portal will be unavailable today (February 29th) from 3 p.m to 4 p.m.
In case of doubts, please contact the SAU: