LNNano promotes the event “Single Particles Cryo-EM Workshop” where participants will discuss the implementation of a Cryo-EM facility at LNNano and the scientific cases that could benefit from that. Participants will have the opportunity to present their current research and discuss the roadmap for the installation of the facility. The event will be held at the CNPEM Campus, in Campinas-SP, on November 18th 2015. The event does not have a registration fee, however the attendance is limited and application is required. The deadline for the application is until November 6th for a talk presentation and November 13th for participation. Participants that want to present a talk should send a title and abstract to rodrigo.portugal@lnnano.cnpem.br.
09:00 | Prof. Carlos Pacheco
Prof. Kleber Franchini |
Diretor CNPEM
Diretor LNBio |
Abertura |
09:10 | Rodrigo Portugal | LNNano/CNPEM | The challenge: where are we and our suggested roadmap |
09:30 | Silvio Consonni | LNBio/CNPEM | Application of new genetically encoded tags on cardiac biology: correlated light and electron microscopy |
09:50 | Kildare Miranda | IBCCF/UFRJ | TBD |
10:10 | Alejandro Buschiazzo | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Structural Biology in 2015: new challenges push for more integrative methods |
10:30 | Coffee | ||
10:50 | Andre Ambrósio | LNBio/CNPEM | Structural determination of the supra-tetrameric form of Glutaminase C |
11:05 | Andrea Balan | ICB/USP | Use of 3D Cryo-Electron Microscopy for Reconstruction of Bacterial Multidrug ABC Transporters |
11:20 | Ronaldo de Oliveira | DF/UFTM | Modelos computacionais simplificados com aplicações para Cryo-EM |
11:35 | Otavio Thiemann | IFSC/USP | Cryo-EM contributions in the understanding of Translational recoding complexes |
11:50 | Chuck Farah | IQ/USP | Bacterial Nanomolecular Machines: The Type IV Secretion System and the Type IV Pilus |
12:05 | Almoço | ||
13:30 | Marcio Dias | ICB/USP | Cryo-EM Structure of 6-methylsalicylic acid (6-MSA) synthese, a type I polyketide synthase (PKS) from Penicillum patulum |
13:45 | Katie Riciluca | Instituto Butantã | Structural analysis of spider hemocyanin by cryogenic electron microscopy (“cryo-EM”) |
14:00 | José Ribamar Ferreira Jr. | EACH/USP | Mitochondrial nucleoids and Rtg2p: two factors involved in replicative life span of Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
14:15 | Carlos Breyer | IB-CLP/UNESP | TBD |
14:30 | Richard Garrat | IFSC/USP | Septins and their filaments |
14:45 | Coffee | ||
15:00 | Discussão | ||
17:00 | Encerramento |