For all researchers conducting Materials Science and Structural Biology research and require electron microscopy techniques, the Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano) announces the opening for research proposals submission for the use of their electron microscopy facilities. Exceptionally, this call will be for proposal achievement  throughout the year of 2021.

Research proposal submission goes through the User Portal:

IMPORTANT: “The inclusion of master and doctorate students and also post doctorate researchers in the proposals as collaborators are encouraged. However, only main investigators may submit a research proposal in the User Portal.”

Submission of proposals for the use of Scanning Electron Microscopes, Transmission Electron Microscopes and Dual Beam must be done separately, after choosing the most appropriate External Committee to evaluate your proposal. This is identified at the beginning of the submission process as two different committees and following by SEM, TEM, and Dual Beam links.

User Portal is also the interface for giving feedback on infrastructure and services, as well as to update publications related to research developed with the use of the LNNano electron microscopy facilities. Updating the published results is mandatory since it is an important criterion of the proposals evaluation.

Users with proposals in progress must submit a new proposal in this call (as a continuation, if applicable). Previously to the proposal submission continuation, we encourage you to present a consistent Experimental Report about previous results, ongoing analysis and/or publications. This is a new field in the User Portal.

It is worth highlighting the importance of updating the research curriculum on the Lattes platform 24 hours prior to the submission of the proposals.

Please, note the following dates:

  • Submission period: November 19th to December 19th, 2020.
  • Notification of the outcome: February ,2021.

Execution of proposals: March 1st to December 03th, 2021

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