CNPEM is pleased to host the 1st Brazil – China Seminar on Nanotechnology from March 25 to 27, 2014. This event is sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil (MCTI) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST).This event will be attended by participants of leading Chinese research centers as NCNST (Beijing) and NERCN (Shanghai), which together with Brazilian researchers from universities, research institutes and Brazilian companies will discuss the state of art and the most recent contributions in the following disciplines:

– Characterization at the nanometer scale and nanometrology
– Sensors and nanoelectronics
– Nano and microfabrication, nanoprocessing and nanomanufacturing
– Nanofluidic, nanomechanic and nanomagnetic devices
– Nanostructured materials
– Nanomaterials and nanoparticles for environmental remediation and decontamination
– Nanotoxicology and its impact on health, safety and environment .

Besides the development of network between Brazilian and Chinese teams, this meeting intends to generate bi-national project cooperations, aiming at research, development and innovation on nano-based products.

For more information about the seminar agenda and registration process, please contact us:
Phone : +55 19 3517 5104

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