LNNano Researchers

Alisson Ronieri Cadore

Cadore is a researcher in the Devices Division working on the development and application of nanodevices based on 2D materials and Van der Waals heterostructures for electronics, optoelectronics, and nanophotonics

Bruna Baggio

Baggio is a researcher in the Nanomaterials Division in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM). She works on the topics of surface physics and deposition of thin films and molecules, with experience in X-ray diffraction of the surface of single crystals in electrochemical systems

Diego Martinez
Head of Division
Edson Roberto Leite
Vice Director

Leite is a Materials Engineer (UFSCar, 1988), Master (UFSCar, 1990), and Ph.D. (UFSCar, 1993) in Materials Science and Engineering, working in the areas of nanomaterials, ceramic materials, electron microscopy, and materials for energy. He is a Full Professor in the Chemistry Department at UFSCar and a Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Elisa Silva Ferreira

Ferreira is a Chemist (UNICAMP, 2014), Master (UNICAMP, 2016), and Ph.D. in Chemistry (UNICAMP, 2020) working in the areas of cellulose materials and fractionation of plant biomass. Her research focuses on the development of ecological foams with nanostructured fibers

Flávio Souza

Souza is a Physicist (UFSCar, 2001), MSc (UFSCar, 2003), and Ph.D. (UFSCar, 2006) working on the synthesis, characterization, and manufacture of nanomaterials and devices for CO2 emission-free hydrogen production. He is a Professor at UFABC, Coordinator of the Hydrogen Subprogram at LNNANO, and Senior Editor of Materials Letters, Elsevier

Gabriela Dias Noske

Noske has a Degree in Physical and Biomolecular Sciences (USP, 2018) and a Ph.D. in Biomolecular Physics (USP, 2023), with experience in structural biology, using crystallography, cryo-microscopy, and electron cryotomography. She is currently working in electron cryomicroscopy

Gabriel Ravanhani Schleder

Schleder has a Degree in Science and Technology (2014), Materials Engineering (2015), Master’s (2017), and Ph.D. (2021, internship at Harvard University (2020-2021)) in Nanosciences and Advanced Materials by UFABC. He is a post-doctorate at Harvard University (2021-2023) and an Affiliate Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2024). Schleder works at the interface between theory, computational simulation, and data science, in the areas of condensed matter physics, nanomaterials, artificial intelligence, and machine learning

Jefferson Bettini
João Batista Jr
Juliana da S. Bernardes

Bernardes is a Chemist (Unicamp, 2003) and Ph.D. in Science (Unicamp, 2008). She is an Associate Professor in the Nanoscience and Advanced Materials Program at UFABC working in the areas of nanomaterials and colloids aiming to develop sustainable, high-performance materials from biomass

Marcos Vinicius Lorevice

Lorevice graduated in Exact Sciences (USP, 2012) with a Master’s (UFSCar, 2015) and Ph.D. (UFSCar, 2019) in Chemistry. He is currently working on the development of multifunctional biodegradable polymeric materials by thermoplastic routes containing nanomaterials from biomass

Marin Van Heel
Murilo Santhiago

Santhiago is a Chemist (UFSC, 2007) with postgraduate degrees from the Institute of Chemistry at UNICAMP, a master’s (2010), and a Ph.D. (2014). He is a grantee of the Serrapilheira Institute (2020) with experience in flexible electrochemical devices, nanomaterials, and 2D materials aimed at applications in the areas of health and energy

Pedro Schio

Schio has a Degree in Physics (UFSCar 2005), with a master’s degree (UFSCar 2008) and a Ph.D. in Physics (UFSCar and Sorbonne 2012) with an emphasis on Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Properties. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the LNLS, specializing in the growth of epitaxial thin films and X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques. Schio is currently a researcher at LNNano/CNPEM as lead researcher and coordinator of the in-situ growth laboratory

Rafael Furlan
Head of Division

Furlan has an MSc (2010) and PhD (2014) in Materials Science and Technology from UNESP, with a post-doctorate at the University of Strasbourg, France (2018-2020). He is currently head of the Devices Division at LNNano/CNPEM working on organic electronics, micro and nanofabrication of devices, 2D materials, and biosensors

Renato Lima

Lima is a researcher at LNNano/CNPEM and Coordinator of the Diagnostic Subprogram at CNPEM, with a PhD (2013) in Chemistry from IQSC/USP and a post-doctorate from Clemson University/USA (2024). The group works in the areas of micro/nanofabrication, materials science for sensor design, microfluidics, and machine learning

Rodrigo Capaz

Capaz has a B.Sc. (PUC-RJ, 1989), M.Sc. (PUC-RJ, 1991), and Ph.D. (MIT, 1996) in Physics, working in the areas of carbon nanomaterials, 2D materials, and semiconductors. He is a Full Professor at the UFRJ Physics Institute, a Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, and President of the Brazilian Physics Society

Rodrigo V. Portugal

Bacharel (USP 1993) e Mestre (USP 1998) em Física Computacional e Doutor em Física Biomolecular (USP 2006). Pós-doutorado no Imperial College London, Inglaterra (2006-2008). Vice-Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise (2020-2022 e 2022-2024) e Docente Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnociência da UFABC. Atua em projetos de criomicroscopia aplicada a biologia estrutural e desenvolvimento de metodologias

Rubia F. Gouveia

Gouveia is a Chemist (UEM, 2003) with a Master’s (UNICAMP, 2005) and Ph.D. (UNICAMP, 2010) in Physical Chemistry, working in the areas of biopolymers, polymer nanocomposites, and X-ray microtomography. She is an Associate Professor in the Graduate Program in Nanosciences and Advanced Materials at UFABC